Plans and pricing


Website, Maintainance and Hosting

This is the most streamlined and hassle free option. With this plan we handle EVERYTHING. All we need from you is some information about what you do and perhaps some photos and other media and we can get your website created, hosted and ready for visitors. We will also keep your website updated and maintained to prevent any security issues and be on call 24/7 should any issues arise. Additionally, all small jobs such as logo and image changes, information and settings changes and new pages are covered in the monthly hosting fee.

Website Only

If you are familiar with hosting and want to manage it yourself, we will work with you to create the same professional quality website as the above plan and then hand it over to you when complete. We do not offer long term maintenance on this plan but are happy to perform work on your website on a per job basis.

What Is Hosting?
billboard, advertising, advertisement-570104.jpg

Hosting Is a billboard

Imagine the internet is a highway and your brand new website is a brilliant billboard add, guaranteed to wow passers-by into being dedicated fans of your business. What use would it be if you didn’t have a billboard to display it on? That’s where hosting comes in. The host is the billboard and my job is to keep it clean (updates), make sure it doesn’t fall over (24/7 support) and apply a fresh coat of paint (maintenance).

Without hosting nobody will be able to see your website